Transportation as Community Capital: A Case Study on the Expansion of Transit in Rural Nebraska, Orienting Rural Communities to Tourism, Reflecting on Clues to Rural Community Survival
Resources for Effective Community Change, Constructive Community Collaborations for Sustainability: Revitalizing an Industrial Legacy City, Voices of Communities Aiming to Enhance Healthy Connections: Findings for Reshaping Policies, Systems, and the Environment
Attitudes Toward Community for Residents Displaced From Disaster-Impacted Areas, Collective Impact and a Wicked Social Problem: Addressing Student Homelessness in Kansas City, Kansas, Renaissance of Intersections: Addressing the need to renew our understanding of intersectionality through an Extension/refugee partnership case study
People and Places: The Nature and Location of Talent in Indiana; Training Grandmother Leaders: Strengthening Human, Social and Cultural Capital to Improve the Lives of Girls; Building Communty in Violent Times? Insights from Faith-Based Organizations
Community Engagement is considered to be the cornerstone of Community Development. However our efforts often fail to allow residents and stakeholders to truly have an impact on the decisions that are shaping their communities. The Detroit CDS Community Engagement Fellows will share tools and strategies to promote resident-driven decision making.
Institutions of higher learning have a long history of doing things to and for communities, but are less experienced in working with communities. This session will explore the relational challenges and power dynamics found in engaging communities as we unlearn habits of paternalistic expertise and learn power sharing, participatory skills.
Taking their destiny in their own hands: the case study of a community trust in the implementation of rural development projects in north-western Botswana; Examining the Relationship of State Spending with Community & Economic Development; Financing Essential Services Through Commmunity Supported Enterprises
In this roundtable, we aim to increase understanding of known social dimensions of community resiliency and identify research questions we could collaboratively address, through transformative university-community partnerships, to strengthen community resiliency. Research from Rust to Green’s Living with Water initiative will be used to set the stage for this discussion.
A set of 14 videos displaying each of the seven Community Capitals Framework capitals in two communities were developed for classroom use. A presentation about the development and use of these videos will serve as a springboard to discuss new methods and technologies for community development education and practice.
Come share the latest ideas, practices, and techniques for arts-based community development. Beyond thinking of art as a cultural asset, we will focus on the practice of creating art, music, dance, comedy and more - and how this can build unlikely partnerships, opportunity, and novel innovation and problem-solving skills.